
Heathfield & District


About Heathfield and District u3a

Welcome to Heathfield and District u3a covering educational, cultural, recreational and social subjects for people in the area around Heathfield, East Sussex

Picture of the outside of Heathfield Community Centre.

u3a stands for The University of the Third Age, but please don't be put off by the title "University" or expect it to involve formal learning, tests and diplomas. The word "University" is used in its original sense of a body of people who come together to share knowledge. This is a self-help organisation where members share their knowledge and experience. There is no minimum age, although most members are 50+

Membership means you can attend the monthly meetings and also any of the Interest Groups that have vacancies. It also, of course, gives the opportunity to form a group of a member's own choice and there is a Groups Co-ordinator to help with this.

Members receive a monthly Heathfield newsletter and also receive the National u3a Magazine every three months.

We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month at the Community Centre, Sheepsetting Lane, TN21 0XG. The meeting doors open at 2pm and the speaker starts at 2:30, after which we have a cup of tea and a chat.

In the following pages you can find out about us, what we are planning, how you can join us and participate in our many activities. Please browse on!


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